Recycle at Home
Blue Bags
Recyclables should be placed in blue transparent bags for collection. These bags are specifically designed to hold recyclable materials and are themselves recyclable. Clear bags should not be used for recycling. This is included in the Town’s regulations and also advised by the Robin Hood Bay Waste Management Facility, where our garbage is processed. Other municipalities have a mandatory clear bag policy for garbage. To ensure proper disposal of waste and recycling materials, blue transparent bags must be used for recycling materials. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
A Few Things to Remember
- Milk cartons are recyclable containers. Be sure to put them in your blue bag for containers and not in with paper products.
- Disposable baking trays and pie pans are recyclable aluminum containers. The metal ones you have used for years are not recyclable at the curb.
- Paper flyers, catalogues and ‘junk’ mail are recyclable papers. The plastic bags they may come in are not recyclable at the curb.
- Glass is not accepted in household recycling collection.
- There is no limit to how many recycling bags you can place at the curb. Thank you for recycling!
We Ask That You:
- Place your recycling in blue, transparent bags.
- Sort your recyclables into two types— paper products and containers.
- Make sure everything’s clean. Rinse food containers so there’s no food left inside. It’s especially important to rinse milk cartons, as milk will go sour quickly.
- Remove the lids and caps from your containers, and remove wrap or plastic from boxes and paper.
What Goes In
Blue Bag #1 – Paper Products
- Corrugated Cardboard (must be in a tied blue bag, or bundled no more than 2 ft x 2 ft x 1 ft)
- Food Boxes (e.g. cereal, crackers, frozen food, etc.)
- Gift Boxes
- Box Board
- Paper Towel/Toilet Paper Rolls
- Pizza Boxes (take-out/frozen)
- Shoe Boxes
- Books (hard covers removed)
- Printer & Construction Paper
- Drink & Coffee Trays
- Egg Cartons
- Envelopes (paper & plastic window envelopes only – no bubble/insulated)
- Glossy Paper
- Magazines and Catalogues
- Newspapers and Flyers/Junk Mail
- Paper Bags
- Phonebooks
- Notepads, Sticky notes & Exercise Books
Blue Bag #2 – Containers
- Milk & Juice Cartons
- Plastic Water & Pop Bottles
- Plastic Liquor Bottles
- Pop & Beer Cans
- Margarine, Ice Cream & Yogurt Containers
- Plastic Ketchup, Mustard, & Relish Bottles
- Food Cans & lids (e.g. soup cans)
- Cat & Dog Food Cans
- Disposable Pie Plates & Baking Trays
- Aluminum trays
- Plastic Fruit, Vegetable & Sandwich Trays
- Plastic Cleaning Supply Bottles
- Shampoo, Soap, & Detergent Bottles
- Bleach Bottles
- Over-the-counter Medicine (e.g. Tylenol bottles)
What Stays Out
- Plastic/Film Wrap
- Styrofoam
- Glass Bottles & Jars
- Plastic Shopping Bags
- Bottle Caps
- Propane Tanks
- Aerosol & Paint Cans
- Tissues/Napkins
- Diapers
- Paint Cans
- Syringes/Sharp Objects
- Motor Oil Containers
- Kitty Litter
- Cloth/Clothing
- CD, DVD, electronic game cases
- Full or unopened food containers
- Gift Wrap/Bags
- Kids Toys (wood,plastic, metal)
- Disposable Coffee/Drink Cups
- Pots and Pans
- Keurig cups & Tassimo discs
- Plastic Baskets & Storage Containers
- Blankets and Bedsheets
- Bubble envelopes
- Car Parts
- Candy Wrappers
- Pet Food Bags
- Wax Paper