Municipal Plan & Development Regulations
Municipal planning and development in the Town is guided by the Urban and Rural Planning Act, 2000. The Municipal Plan and Development Regulations apply within the Municipal Planning Area, as defined by the Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs. In 2021, the Municipal Planning Area was expanded to include the waters and islands of Long Pond and Long Pond Gut. For these areas, the Interim Development Regulations, 2003 apply. The Municipal Plan sets out the goals and policies for land use and development, while the Development Regulations outline specific zoning and land-use requirements. These documents came into effect on July 20, 2012, and remain in effect.
Council has the authority to amend the Municipal Plan and Development Regulations in response to development proposals and issues that were not foreseen when the documents were initially drafted. The Town is currently reviewing these documents. Learn more by visiting:
Flood Risk & Geological Hazards
Flood risk areas, including Steadywater Brook and the Upper Gullies River, are subject to additional restrictions under provincial policies from the Department of Environment and Conservation and Municipal and Provincial Affairs The Town’s zoning and flood risk areas can be viewed on its interactive mapping tool. The Municipal Plan also identifies areas of potential geological hazards, based on the 2011 provincial report: Vulnerability to Geological Hazards in the Town of Conception Bay South.
Amendments Under Consideration
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