Hurricane Safety
The Atlantic Canada hurricane season runs from June to November, with September being no stranger to hurricane winds and tropical storms. As a coastal community, it is important for residents to be informed on emergency preparedness. If an emergency happens, it may take first responders some time to reach you. That is why residents must be prepared to take care of themselves and their families for at least 72 hours.
Be Prepared
- Prepare your emergency plan and have an emergency kit ready.
- Have a stockpile of water on hand.
- Have ready-to-eat food.
- Have a supply of heating fuel.
- Make sure there is fuel in your car.
- Make sure extra batteries and flashlights are readily accessible.
- Charge all cellular devices and spare power banks.
If there are severe winds in the forecast, residents are asked to secure loose items around the house that could blow away and cause damage to nearby homes and cars. Residents should stay in a safe place as hurricane winds can quickly change in the opposite direction or grow stronger. Residents should also be prepared to move away from the ocean and to higher ground if instructed by local officials.
Get Flood Ready
- Make sure that your lot is properly graded. If possible, build up the ground around your property so that water can drain away from basement walls.
- Make sure downspouts extend at least 2 metres (6’) from your basement wall. Water should drain away from your property and neighbouring properties.
- Check that your roof and eaves are draining properly in heavy rains.
- Check sidewalks, patios, decks and driveways to make sure they haven’t settled over time and are causing water to drain toward your property. Clear snow away from the building’s foundation. If the ground is sloped one inch per foot near the building, moving snow just three to five feet from the building will reduce problems.
- Use a rain barrel to catch water runoff.
- Consider planting a “rain garden” by using landscaping as way to catch and disperse water in the soil near your property. Use native plants and vegetation that will resist soil erosion.
- Make sure your sump pump is working and install a battery-operated backup, in case of a power failure.
If you would like to receive time-sensitive safety alerts from the Town of Conception Bay South, please subscribe to the Town’s Resident Alert Service.
Questions or Concerns?
Contact the Conception Bay South Fire Department
Call: 709-834-6500 ext. 801
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergencies: Call 911
Contact the Engineering and Public Works Department
Call: 709-834-6500 ext. 301
E-mail: [email protected]