Pool Closure in Effect

The Town is advising residents that the pool at the CBS Recreation Complex is currently closed due to unforeseen maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. For questions or concerns, please contact the Recreation Complex at 709-834-6500 ext. 602.

Council Selects Gateway as Community Centre Location

Council Selects Gateway as Community Centre Location

During the public Council meeting of July 12, 2022, the Town announced that it continues to work towards the progression of a community centre, and that the preferred site for such a facility is at the Gateway.

“The Gateway is our selected site because it’s centrally located within the town and is already the location of recreation and tourism facilities like the Conception Bay South Arena, Sgt. Ned Nugent’s Field, an integrated trail network, and nearby Robert French Memorial Stadium. As we continue to advance our Economic Development Strategy to bring more businesses to this area, a regional community centre at this location will help bolster desired retail development,” said Mayor Darrin Bent.

In 2021, the Town began developing a Recreation and Cultural Master Plan, which consisted of gathering comprehensive feedback from residents on Conception Bay South’s infrastructure needs. During these consultations and through feedback received during the 2021 municipal election, Council heard residents’ strong desire for a community centre. This necessity was further exposed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Council continues to progress a plan to make this centre a reality.

“Our facilities and businesses service communities across the Avalon Peninsula; a new community centre at the Gateway would naturally be regional in nature. We understand that we will need funding support from the Provincial and Federal Governments to make this centre a reality. Those conversations and funding applications are underway,” said Mayor Darrin Bent.

Through continued public engagement, Council’s goal is to have a concept plan advanced by the end of this year to provide the Town with a better understanding of what amenities would be included, as well as cost estimates.


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