Pool Closure in Effect

The Town is advising residents that the pool at the CBS Recreation Complex is currently closed due to unforeseen maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. For questions or concerns, please contact the Recreation Complex at 709-834-6500 ext. 602.

Council Presents $15,000 Cheque to Chamberlains Park Action Committee for Enhancements to Chamberlains Park

Council Presents $15,000 Cheque to Chamberlains Park Action Committee for Enhancements to Chamberlains Park

On July 29, 2020, the Town of Conception Bay South presented a $15,000 cheque to the Chamberlains Park Action Committee (CPAC) to help them enhance Chamberlains Park. The cheque is the first installment of a $50,000 commitment announced in Budget 2020 to support two of the CPAC’s major projects – the construction of a new boardwalk and stream remediation.

“Council is very pleased to support the Chamberlains Park Action Committee to help make this leisure park safer and more enjoyable for users. We thank the many dedicated volunteers who work passionately to keep this area beautiful. With accessible walking trails, Chamberlains Park is a beautiful space for people of all ages and abilities. The park accommodates many different interest groups and provides a place for schools and local daycares to take nature walks,” said Mayor Terry French.

“We are very grateful for the Town’s continued support of our mandate, and especially thankful for their financial contribution this year. Our committee was formed in 2008 to develop, maintain, and preserve Chamberlains Park to provide a unique, natural, educational area that is universally accessible. We are humbled to have the support of so many volunteers, community groups, businesses, and governmental support, allowing us to transition our vision into a reality,” Chamberlains Park Action Committee Directors.

The $15,000 will be directed to materials for the boardwalk construction, which has already been started by volunteers and the CBS Green Team in partnership with the Conservation Corps of Newfoundland and Labrador. The new boardwalk starts from the south end of Chaytors Road bridge and will connect to the park’s entrance on Route 60.

The second major project for CPAC is stream remediation. Recently, a berm was constructed near the Topsail Road park entrance, running approximately 100 feet in length, to prevent flooding to the area. The project also includes widening the existing stream to the outdoor classroom.

Chamberlains Park is a 16-acre wetland park located on town-owned land. It has two trailheads that may be accessed at 2608 Topsail Road and 17 Chaytors Road. Over 17,000 volunteer hours have been logged by hundreds of volunteers over many years and the park continues to be managed and maintained by volunteers.







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