Celebrating Success of 50th Anniversary Grant Program

Celebrating Success of 50th Anniversary Grant Program

Town of Conception Bay South Celebrates Success of 50th Anniversary Grant Program

As 2023 comes to a close, a milestone year that proudly commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Town of Conception Bay South, so too does the 50th Anniversary Grant Program.

Throughout the year, the Town celebrated in grand style by hosting a series of enjoyable events for all ages, while encouraging community groups to do the same.

The 50th Anniversary Grant Program recognized local organizations, community groups, and businesses that contributed their unique ideas to keep the anniversary festivities alive, ensuring a truly memorable year of celebration. The grant program provided financial support to eight initiatives, for a total of $5,150. The result of the program was a year of diverse events and programs that showcased community spirit and pride.

The Town of Conception Bay South extends its thanks to everyone who played a part in making its 50th anniversary celebrations a community-wide success, with a special acknowledgment to the grant recipients:

Conception Bay Family Resource Program
50 Programs for 50 Years: A program offering 50 free summer programs to families in Conception Bay South, providing healthy snacks, promoting physical activity, and helping young families explore the community.

Manuels River Inc.
Doxi’s Family Fun Day: Celebrating Doxi’s 10th birthday and the Town of Conception Bay South’s 50th anniversary at Manuels River.

Parish of St. John of the Evangelist
Celebrating CBS is 50 Afternoon Tea: A fundraiser for the church and a celebration with tea and prizes.

Musically Inclined
The Kelligrews Soiree or Bust: A musical performed by 7-12-year-olds adapted to tie in with the Town’s 50th Anniversary.

Holiday Art Market: A 50th anniversary event for artists to display their work while fundraising for the food bank and a local musician.

Theatre CBS
Miracle on 34th Street: A local theatre play of a holiday classic.

CBS Library Art Group
Art in CBS: A visual art event highlighting geographic areas in Conception Bay South, local artists, and their art.

Coastal Sounds Choir Association
A Celtic Christmas: A holiday concert featuring over 150 performers.


The Town of Conception Bay South also hosted the following special events to commemorate the year:

  • CBS50 Fireworks Show
  • Launch of Commemorative Clothing Collection
  • CBS 50 Kick-off Event
  • Grand Opening of Clarence J. Morgan Building
  • Grand Opening of Community Park
  • CBS50 Winterfest
  • CBS50 Paint Nights
  • CBS50 Games Day in the Park
  • CBS50 Pride in the Park
  • CBS50 Concert in the Park Series
  • CBS50 Easter Egg Hunt
  • CBS50 Scavenger Hunt
  • Community Better Challenge
  • Canadian Forces Snowbirds Festival and Airshow
  • Glow Slime Party
  • Pickleball Workshops
  • Million Trail Counts Celebration
  • Youth Advisory Council Intergenerational Event
  • CBS50 Canada Day
  • CBS50 Birthday Bash
  • CBS50 Concert
  • CBS50 Kelligrews Soiree
  • CBS50 Pirate Day
  • CBS50 ATV Run
  • Halloween Trunk or Treat
  • Savour CBS Celebration
  • Breakfast with Santa
  • And more!

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