Courtney Fowler Performance Academy

Courtney Fowler Performance Academy


Address: 4 Hops Street

City: Conception Bay South

Postal Code: A1W 0E8

Contact Info:

Phone: 709-764-0236

Email: [email protected]



Business Information:

Courtney Fowler Performance Academy is committed to creating professional theatre experiences and multiple performance opportunities per season. CFPA is inclusive, neurodivergent-friendly and adaptive. We serve all people, and we believe the arts are for everybody. We offer volunteer and energy exchange programs to include all people in our community.  Our mantra is “confidence, community, courage” and our work creates a safe, non-judgmental space for our students to discover their authentic self and find the courage to display that confidently, with the support of an accepting community that celebrates uniqueness. Our students thrive in this environment to be the best they can be. We don’t believe in a competitive environment for the arts: instead, we build up the individual, allow them to discover their autonomy through pedagogical practices, encourage them to think for themselves, and work that into creative expression on stage.

Courtney Fowler Performance Academy
Address: 4 Hops Street, Conception Bay South, NL, Canada
Phone: 709-764-0236

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